Rider Groups and Progression 

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Lesson Structure

We want all riders to love riding, and progress in a safe environment. We have clear aims we need riders to meet before moving up. Coaches have constant access to ecpro, and are able to update riders grades when appropriate.


Level 1 – this is for beginners and those new to riding. Groups will be small and riders are often on the lead rein. Riders will learn steering and control, as well learning to improve their balance and coordination. Riders will be ready to move up when the are trotting without needing a leader


Level 2 – all riders are off the lead rein, although we may sometimes have leaders to help with steering when needed. Riders will be continuing to develop their position and balance, learning school movements and improving their trotting.


Level 3 – all riders are riding confidently without a leader on a number of different ponies. Riders will be practicing school movements, continuing to improve their position and balance. Riders will be starting to practice more work on sitting trot to get ready for learning to canter.


Level 4 – Riders are starting to learn to canter. Riders may not canter in every lesson. They will be developing skills to ride independently. Riders will also be practicing light seat and pole work.


Level 5 – riders are continuing to practice skills from 1-4 but will also be developing their jumping. Riders will practice pole work in walk, trot and canter, and learn to jump small fences. Riders will also be learning about how the pony is working and how to improve the pony’s way of going.


Level 6 – Riders are confident in all three paces and jumping. They will be starting to develop more lateral work and aim to improve the way of going of a range of ponies. This is for riders working towards BHS stage 2 or pony club C/C+ level.


Level 7 – This is for riders who are working towards BHS stage 3/ Pony Club B test.


Rider progression

Your coaches will let you know when riders are ready to move up. We want riders to enjoy their lessons in a safe environment. Moving up too quickly can put riders and horses at risk.